
MariaDB plc has gone public on NYSE!

Yesterday was a big day for me and everyone involved in MariaDB when MariaDB Corporation (Now MariaDB plc) was listed on the New York Stock Exchange ! (NYSE:MRDB)

This has been a long journey, starting from the exodus of MySQL developers from Sun Microsystems to Monty Program in 2009 as part of the announcement of Oracle acquiring Sun.

One year later, there was a second exodus of MySQL personal from Oracle consisting of Sales people, support engineers and support to SkySQL Ab. SkySQL AB was founded by Open Ocean Capital.

Monty Program Ab and SkySQL worked together to ensure that SkySQL customers and MariaDB users would have the best possible experience using MariaDB. In 2009 this resulted in a merger of the two companies to the resulting company MariaDB Corporation Ab . Since then a lot of other very talented people has joined MariaDB.

During the above time, I also was part of creating MariaDB Foundation to ensure that the MariaDB server would always remain free software.

Now going public, together with Angel Pond Holdings Corporation, is the next step on the journey. This will enable us to put more resources on developing MariaDB server to solve even harder problems for more demanding customers and MariaDB users.  I am looking forward to spend a lot more years working on the MariaDB server.

Lastly, I would like to give a great thanks for everyone who has been part of this incredible journey and to our customers whose trust in MariaDB has made this next step possible!

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