Fortunately this can be taken both as a curse or as a blessing.
For MariaDB this has definitely been a blessing the last few months.
Since we announced the MariaDB foundation in December 2012 a lot has happened:
- Wikipedia is moving to MariaDB.
- Mozilla is also now using MariaDB.
- Fedora and OpenSuse is replacing MySQL with MariaDB in their distributions.
- Chakra is also moving to MariaDB.
- We have released LGPL version of the MariaDB/MySQL C and Java Connectors.
The above means that the installation base of MariaDB will increase from about one million to 5-10 million within this year. You can find here a full updated lists of all distributions that supports MariaDB.
We are really living in interesting times!
Happy Chinese New Year to you all!
Way to go, monty!